Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Which fruit do apes like the most?
Ape-ricots !! :-)

Did you know fresh apricot is very nutritious and virtually fat-free. The tiny fruit, classified along with plums, and grown in typical continental climates characterized by cold winders, is an ideal fruit that gels well both in snacks and in desserts.

Lets draw an apricot now.

  • Start by writing C.
  • Join the free edges of C by writing another C turned around. Write another small turned around C right at the center of this fruit.
  • Write 11 for stem and join tips with I.
  • Join edges of small C at the center with tilted I.
  • Write V on each side to start making leaves.
  • Join tips of V with U and write I in middle to finish making leaves.
  • Color!!! Yummy apricot is ready!!
Now its time for an apricot joke.

What do apes call biscotti?
Apericotti !! :-D

An apricot tongue twister
At Amanda's all afternoon apes ate apples and aged apricots.


What did the apple skin say to the apple?
 I’ve got you covered!! :-)

Don’t peel your apple! Two-thirds of the fiber and many of the antioxidants are found in the apple peel. Americans eat a lot of apples , an average of 50.4 pounds of apples and apple products each year.

Lets draw an apple now.

  • Start by writing flat upside down U and a turned around J.
  • Write another flat upside down U on the other side and another J as shown in the second figure.

  • Draw apple stem by writing a thin V and joining its edges with I.
  • For leaf we write V and join it with apple with bent I. Write I in the middle and then a series of V for veins of leaf.
  • Variation of this apple.
  • If we have to make half of an apple we write a small U on top and another small upside down U in the bottom as shown. Draw seed by writing X in middle. Erase the center of X. Half of an apple is ready.
  • To draw a little eaten apple we just write C as in the third figure.
  • Color and enjoy your delicious apples!!
Now its time for an apple joke.

Why did the jelly wobble?
Because it saw an apple turnover! :-)

An apple tongue twister
Alex alligator arrived at Allison Arthur's apple farm in April.

Friday, August 19, 2011


 How can you tell there's a Stegosaurus in your refrigerator?
 The door won't close! :-)

Do you know how scientists measure smartness. They do it by measure smartness by figuring out how big an animal compared to its body. This is called "encephalization quotient." 
 According to this the Dumbest Dinosaur was stegosaurus! It had a brain as big as a walnut in a body weighing nearly two tons! "Dumb" isn't a nice word, even if it is a dinosaur fact. Let's just call Stegosaurus "less smart than a Troodon" the smartest dinosaur. Scientists think Troodon was only about as smart as a modern possum.!

  • Start by writing C.
  • Write U on both tips of C. The upper U should be turned upside down.
  • Write tilted I at the free end of upper U and a J(facing backwards) starting at middle of bottom U.

  • Wrtite two C as shown in next figure.
  • Start making legs by wrting V for the front leg and L for the second leg.

  • Now join the free tip of the first C and V with another L to finish making first leg.
  • Write I starting at free end of second leg to finish making second leg.
  • Write a flat upside down U for back and a curved I between the legs.
  • Make tail by writing a long V at free end of U of back joining the other end to the hind leg.

  • Write half V(just the tops, do not join)  on back of stegosaurus.

  • Join the tips of half V with upside down V. First set of scales is ready.
  • Writeupside down Vs on tail to make spikes. Write another set of Vs between first scales to make a second set.
  • Write small O for eye. Put a dot inside it.
  • Write C for mouth.
  • Color and enjoy your stegosaurus.

What family does Stegosaurus belong to?
 I don't know. I don't think any family in our neighborhood owns one!


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