Monday, February 18, 2013

St. Patrick Day Card Idea: St Patrick Day baby!!

Lets draw a cute baby for our St. Patrick's Day .

  • Start by writing U. Write C for one ear and turned around C for another ear.
  • Write C for arm and turned around C for another arm. Write turned around flat C towards inner side of each arm as in the picture.
  • Write two big upside down U for leg. write another set of upside down U for the thumbs.

  • Join end of U of thumb with big C of arm. Repeat for other arm.
  • Write U to make feet.
  • Write upside down U for big toe and then join free end of U (of feet ) with center of big toe with I.

  • Make the baby's pants with three I and his cup with U that is topped with a very flat O.

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